Rules of Zalgiris Kaunas trademark use

VšĮ “Žalgirio krepšinio centras” is the owner and/or legal user of the official trademarks of Basketball Club Zalgiris Kaunas, having the exclusive rights to the trademark registered in The State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania. Any use of the trademarks of Zalgiris Kaunas or the likeness of its players and/or coach without the authorization of VšĮ “Žalgirio krepšinio centras” is prohibited and protected by the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania and the Law on Trademarks of the Republic of Lithuania.

Please be advised that in order to cooperate and use the trademarks of Zalgiris Kaunas lawfully, including but not limited to activities related to:

  • Game broadcast announcement;
  • Manufacturing and sale of souvenirs, attributes and other goods;
  • Organizing of competitions using the trademarks, tickets, invitations and/or season tickets of Zalgiris Kaunas.

You must follow the rules and requirements below and/or acquire the appropriate status of partner, sponsor, or licensor.


VšĮ “Žalgirio krepšinio centras” (hereinafter – Club) grants the right to catering institutions, including but not limited to cafes, bars, restaurants (hereinafter referred to as the User), to use the respective trademarks of Zalgiris Kaunas, whose registration No. 53955, 44161, 36848, 59171 90165, 90166, 90167, 90168, 90169, 90170, 90171, 90172, exclusively for the publication and advertising of match broadcasts under the terms and conditions set out in these rules:

  1. The User is only allowed to place announcements and advertisements with relevant trademarks that comply with these policies on the User’s official Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts.
  2. The club granting use of trademarks is not equal to the club’s licensing rights, and trademarks cannot be used to tag any products, services and/or in advertisements that are not directly connected to the announcement of the game’s broadcast.
  3. The User does not acquire any exclusive rights of cooperation, partner or licensor status. All intellectual property rights to the trademarks remain with the club without any restrictions.
  4. The User must familiarize oneself and adhere strictly to the rules of use and the official Zalgiris Kaunas icon, logo and corporate identity brandbook before using the trademarks of the Club. Once the User begins using the trademarks, the User is deemed to have read and agreed to these rules.
  5. The user must ensure that the use of trademarks would comply with the conditions and way of use, stated in these rules. Use of trademarks in ways and/or purposes not described in these rules is only allowed with written consent from the Club.
  6. The Club does not allow the use of current or former Zalgiris Kaunas players or coaches, or their likenesses, nor the use of photos and other graphic material of Zalgiris Kaunas cheerleaders or mascot in the announcements or advertisements.
  7. The rights of use can be rescinded from the User if the Club determines a breach of rules and/or discrepancies from the rules of usage described in the corporate identity brandbook.
  8. The Club has the right to amend the rules and conditions or abolish the right to use trademarks free of charge for the announcement or advertisement of game broadcasts at any time. Once the Club applies new terms and conditions, the User must immediately make the required changes or completely stop using the trademarks.
  9. If the Club determines a breach in trademark use, the User is presented an official complaint where the breach is determined. A due date is given to adhere to the rules and/or the right to use the trademarks is revoked. In case the User does not remove the breach and or cease use of trademark, the Club has the right to immediately contact the relevant institutions about the illicit use of trademarks and the application of sanctions.
  10. The User stands before the relevant institutions and third parties with his own funds and risk, making sure that the advertisement using the Club’s trademarks would not impede on the copyrights and inventor rights of other persons, would not spread of information offending against human dignity, would provide truthful information and would adhere to all legal and moral standards.
  11. The User is fully accountable against the relevant institutions, that all requirements in accordance to the lawful broadcasting would be met and that the User would have all necessary permits and/or licenses.


Taking into account that the VšĮ “Žalgirio krepšinio centras” is the owner and/or legal user of the official trademarks of Kaunas Basketball Club Zalgiris, any use of the trademarks of Zalgiris Kaunas without the authorization of VšĮ “Žalgirio krepšinio centras” is prohibited and protected by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

To cooperate and legally use Zalgiris Kaunas trademarks, tickets, invitations, season tickets to Zalgiris Kaunas games for public competitions, you must acquire partner status or a licensor, which can be done by the following contacts:

  1. Production and/or supply of souvenirs and attributes – UAB “Delegatai”, director Mindaugas Narijauskas,
  2. Other goods and services (based on licensing) – VšĮ “Žalgirio krepšinio centras”, sales project manager Mazena Gasiune,


Taking into account that the VšĮ “Žalgirio krepšinio centras“ is the owner and/or legal user of the official trademarks of Kaunas Basketball Club Zalgiris, any use of the trademarks of Zalgiris Kaunas without the authorization of VšĮ “Žalgirio krepšinio centras“ is prohibited and protected by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

Please be advised that any organizing and publishing of contests, public games, and other advertisements with use of Zalgiris trademarks, tickets, invitations, season tickets without the permission of VšĮ “Žalgirio krepšinio centras“ is strictly prohibited and violate Zalgiris Kaunas trademarks. A ticket, invitation to a game or season ticket cannot be used for any advertising purposes (including competitions and lotteries), and any resale, attempt at resale or copying of tickets, invitations, season tickets or use for unauthorized advertisement of commercial activity, rules the ticket invalid with no right to refund. The copying, manifolding, reselling tickets is strictly forbidden. Physical and juridical persons using the tickets unlawfully can be punished in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Lithuania or, in exceptional cases, under the Criminal Code. The police are always informed when these violations are detected.

To cooperate and legally use Zalgiris Kaunas trademarks, tickets, invitations, season tickets to Zalgiris Kaunas games for public competitions, you must acquire partner status. To do so, you should contact VšĮ “Žalgirio krepšinio centras“ head of partnership sales Donatas Norkevičius at

Trademarks and their registration numbers:
1.  Figurative logo
Registration number: 53955;




2. Figurative logo
Registration number: 67747;
Zalgiris figurinis logotipas

3. Color combination: green / white
Registration number: 44161

4. Word mark
Registration number: 36848

5. Word mark
Registration number: 59171

6. Word mark
Registration number: 67746

7. Use of the likeness of players, dancers, Zalgirinis.

8. Figurative logo ŽALGIRIS 1944
Registration number: 90165

9. Figurative logo ŽALGIRIS
Registration number: 90171

10. Figurative logo ŽALGIRIS
Registration number: 90172


11. Figurative logo ŽALGIRIS
Registration number: 90170


12. Figurative logo ŽALGIRIS 1944
Registracijos numeris: 90169


13. Figurative logo ŽALGIRIS 1944
Registration number: 90168


14. Figurative logo ŽALGIRIS 1944
Registration number: 90169


15. Figurative logo ŽALGIRIS 1944
Registration number: 90168
