Zalgiris season tickets sale to start on Wednesday 11

After reaching record heights in attendance last season, Zalgiris is already looking forward to the next one and will launch the public sale of season tickets on the 12th of June.

In the 2018-2019 season, an average of 14737 fans witnessed EuroLeague games in Zalgirio Arena in person. This marks not only the highest attendance among all EuroLeague teams this season, but also breaks the Crvena Zvezda record that had stood for 8 seasons.

With the expansion of the EuroLeague, season ticket holders will get the chance to see even more of the highest quality basketball.

With the cheapest tickets starting at just 79 euros, a Zalgiris game could start at a mere 1.88 euro per game. Besides the savings, season ticket holders can be sure that the seat of their choosing will be available for them next year. Tickets will be available to be extended in Zalgirio Arena ticketing office or online, starting 12th of June, 12:00 up until the 12th of July.

The unextended seats of last season’s ticket holders will be available for purchase strictly for Zalgiris Honor Club members on the 17th of July in Zalgirio Arena ticketing office. The seats will be available for public purchase on the 18th of July, with sales lasting all the way until the 14th of September.

Season tickets will be limited to 6000 units, though, as the club seeks to make sure that the games could also be attended by those who aren’t able to be there for each and every tip-off.

For those seeking an even higher service experience, a separate entrance, a free cloakroom, comfortable lounge zones are offered to Audi club members, Ramirent Premium club and VIP courtside seat ticket holders.

Zalgiris and Zalgirio Arena also made sure that next season would be more accessible to people with a movement disability. Not only will more seats in different pricing zones be available, but season tickets will also be available for purchase.

The incredible support and attendance has made Zalgiris fans the number one sponsor of the team. The fans allow the team to grow year after year, strengthen the roster and thus have even more victories to celebrate.


  1. Julius

    Palyginus su pernai tai užlenkėt, kaip suprantu narystė klubo jau nieko nereiškia, nuolaidų nėra, matyt nariai jau nebereikalingi. O gaila.

  2. Marius

    Dvi rungtynės Eurolygos prisideda, tai manau normalios kainos. Nelabai daug ir kyla daugumoje sektorių.

  3. Julius

    kai parašo, kad vienos varžybos maždaug 4,27 euro, o pakelia 65 eurais tai… nu teks atsisakyt narystės, jei jau ji niekam neverta

  4. Arnoldas

    Viskas, gerai +2 eurolygos rungtynės, komandos rezultatai tik geryn, paklausa didžiulė, jeigu kažkam per daug pirkitės į pigesnius sektorius. :)

  5. Arnoldas

    Juliau, Klubo narystė yra remti Klubą ir būti arčiau komandos, čia ne nuolaidų Klubas. Buvau nuo pat įkūrimo Klubo narys ir toliau būsiu, nes man gera būti Klubo dalimi ir arčiau komandos.

  6. Marius

    Juliau, matau, kad kalbi apie Žalią zoną, tai parašyta, kad pirkdamas abonementą ten sutaupai 48% nuo bilietų kainos. Tai kiek tu nori sutaupyt?

  7. pakilo

    apie 10 % , manau santuriai , o garbes klubo nuolaidu jau nebuvo preajusi sezona tai turejot jau iprasti

  8. Abonementu pratesimas

    Zalias sektorius nesugaudau kuri pilna kaina uz abonemento kaina ?

  9. Vytas

    Praeitą sezoną buvo. Matyt atmintis trumpa. Tikiuosi komanda atitiks abonimentų kainą.

  10. x

    Kaip suprast komanda atitiks abonementu kaina? Negi tikiesi kazkokiu super rezultatu is komandos, kuri turi viena maziausiu biudzetu eurolygoje? Nereikia kazko labai tiketis is Zalgirio, dabar kaip suprantu kai kurie tikisi, kad Zalgiris kiekvienais metais iseis i top 8, taip tikrai nebus, juolab kita sezona, kai is 18 komandu iseis tik 8, tai mazai sansu. Pas kai kuriuos labai dideli lukesciai, as niekada is Zalgirio eurolygoj nieko nereikalausiu, va lkl ten jau kita kalba.

  11. uzpraeita

    dar buvo praeita ne, matyt sapnavai