Monday’s COVID-19 results for Zalgiris players come back negative 8

The Zalgiris players who have been in self-isolation since Friday have undergone another series of COVID-19 tests. All of the results have come back negative.

Rokas Jokubaitis was the sole man who didn’t undergo testing. He is feeling much better after testing positive on Friday and will do the additional test when he is fully recovered.

The tests will be done once more on Wednesday, after which the fate of the matchup against Real Madrid will be decided. The EuroLeague Round 7 game is set to be played on Friday, the 6th of November, in Zalgirio Arena.

Meanwhile, three cases of COVID-19 have been found in the Zalgiris youth ranks. The team‘s players, coaches and personnel have been in isolation since last Friday, and haven‘t had contact with the main team‘s staff and players in recent weeks.


  1. Elena


  2. Darius

    Šita koronaisterija negsli tęstis, nes bus šakės viskam, ne tik sportui. Šiandien man papasakojo, kad negelėho sesuo susitikti su sese, nes juk koronavirusas, negalima bendrauti. Žmonėms jau visai stogai išplauti

  3. Darius

    jei taip toliau, kitais metais nebus reikalingas joks turnyras. Uždraudė varžybas su žiūrovais, uždaro barus, kur nors ten galima buvo pažiūrėti su bendraminčiais, uždraudė sportuoti. fantastika. Vienam iš komandos bėga nosis, visą komandą uždaro į karantiną. Durnynas.

  4. Dariau2

    Nepanikuok o Taikykis be ziurovu Jei Lemta tai Lemta

  5. Darius

    Neketinu taikytis prie yokio šūdo