Zalgiris GM Motiejunas looks into new roster 8

Zalgiris Kaunas general manager Paulius Motiejunas likes the roster he was able to gather for the upcoming season and tells he was not afraid to admit to possible prospects that the last season was a failure.

Zalgiris Kaunas have already started preparation for the upcoming Lithuanian Basketball League (LKL) and EuroLeague season.

Although the team doesn’t have many of its players due to their commitments to national teams, including head coach Kazys Maksvytis, the players are currently en route to playing their first friendly match on Wednesday.

Talking on the club’s subscription platform Zalgiris Insider, the club’s general manager Paulius Motiejunas offered some insight into how he sees the roster and what went on while trying to attract prospects to the team this offseason.

“I don’t want to rate the roster because it always looks on paper like the people you wanted. Characters, physical preparation, all those things help form it into a unit and we can then see whether we have a team or not like it was last year,” Motiejunas began. “In that case, you can do whatever you want and you won’t achieve a result. I usually never rate the team but I like how the process went.”

“We did not get all the first choices of ours but we like what we see now,” he explained. “We have everything for a solid season. The name, the age, and the basketball understanding are what we want.”

Zalgiris signed Keenan Evans, Kevarrius Hayes, Ignas Brazdeikis, and Rolands Smits as key figures in the team’s puzzle. However, the operative revealed that it was much harder to sign players this summer due to how the last season in the EuroLeague went.

“There are two sides of the medal. I had to change myself from a negotiation standpoint,” Motiejunas explained. “With Sarunas Jasikevicius, we had a solid base in the club. It’s strange to me that all of it seems to have disappeared after one weak season. Everyone who doesn’t closely follow Zalgiris said that Zalgiris is now a last-place team and that they wouldn’t achieve anything here, and that they want to play for a team where such a thing is possible.”

“There was a lot of anger. I know that the last season was really bad but I don’t think that we want to roam there, we have a desire to fight. One of the aspects – the convincing of the players,” Motiejunas told. “There are not promises, you tell it like it is: ‘we are not trying to convince you, we tell that we have a good gym, a good system, and wonderful fans’. You’re not afraid to tell eye to eye that we failed last year but we haven’t lost our identity.”


  1. ....

    Nu kad kilsim šį sezoną, tai tikrai. Iš 18 vietos Eurolygoj tiesiai į 17. Pasižiūrėjus į kitų komandų sudėtis, tai mums nelabai yra ką veikt Eurolygoj. Nu bet pamatysim, gal nustebins. Kažkaip atrodo kitos komandos su panašiais biudžetais sugeba pasirašyt bent porą garsesnių žaidėjų, o mes kaip visada liekam su savo vidutiniokais.

  2. pasirasem

    pora geresniu , evnasas brazdeikis , bet jei nebus pasitiprinimo priekyje tai nieko nebus, kazkaip visi labai ant to smito stato , bet kad jis tik jegos turi pakankamai, IQ ,metimas labai abejotini.

  3. Vycka to pasirasem

    dėl IQ jis visų giriamas buvo nuo jaunimo rinktinių laikų, dėl metimo, tai galėjo subalamūtint praeito sezono ir vien Eurolygoje pataikyms, nes ACB viskas tvarkoj buvo, o užpraeitam EL metė trajakus net 39,6 proc

  4. Vycka to ...

    mes kaip visada su vidutiniokais? panašų biudžetą dabar turi tik ASVEL ir Alba, ASVEL pasirašė De Colo ir Lauvergne, vienas karjerą gimtinėje nutarė užbaigt, kitą jau visi žalgiriniai belkaip ko toliau vijo, Alba npasiraš nė vieno net Biručio ar Dimšos lygio naujoko, tavo priešpaskutinė vieta yra grynai Eurohoops metų metais žadėta prieš kiekvieną sezoną Žalgiriui, taip, kai bronz paėmėm, taip pat priš sezoną priešpaskutinę prognozavo, sakai, kaip visada paimam tik vidutiniokus? praėjusiame EL finalo ketverte žaidė 6 buvę žalgiriečiai

  5. jei

    zalgiris taip jau nori lietuviu , tai visiskai suprantama, ko laukiama su kuzia , rasytusi , drasiai gali zaisti ketvirtu numeriu pas mus

  6. Zalgiris

    Tikrai geriau nei pernai tik Aišku apmaudu kad negavo tu opciju kurių planavo nebuvo lengva įkalbinti žaidėją kai Eurolygoje Lykai paskutinis

  7. Zalgiris

    Pastiprinimas bus sezono eigoje dabar neapsisprendzia kurioi pozicijoi reiktų zaidejo

  8. Vycka to jei

    nes ketvirtų numerių mums trūksta labiausiai? be nominalių Šmito ir Cavanaugh, taip pat kaip Kuzia, gali žaisti ir didžiąją praeito sezono dalį tai daręs Butkė bei dažnai to besiimantis Ulė