Zalgiris defeats Dzukija on the road 0

Zalgiris Kaunas has won their thirteenth LKL game in a row. The defending champions got an easy win in Alytus as Zalgiris beat Dzukija 94:61 (31:12, 23:8, 19:26, 21:15).

In this match Kaunas team played one of their best first periods of the season. They let their opponents to score only 12 points while managing to get 31 themselves.

The second period was very similar. Zalgiris continued to dominate and Dzukija had no answer. The score before the second half – 54:20.

Dzukija Alytus did not want to lose without a fight – they had an excellent third quarter. Meanwhile, Zalgiris players struggled to put the ball in the basket. However, Zalgiris lead before the last period was still more than solid – 73:46.

The last quarter was just a formality. The winner of the match was already clear, but the atmosphere was enthusiastic – Robertas Javtokas surprised everyone with his two 3-pointers. Final score – 61:94.

Paulius Jankunas led Zalgiris with 17 points. Kevin Pangos added 15, Brock Motum got 14.

Gediminas Navickas was the leading scorer for Dzukija with 14 points.
