Zalgiris medical staff bolstered with specialist Rimtautas Gudas 0

Zalgiris is strengthening its medical staff with the signing of Lithuanian national team’s doctor, orthopedic traumatologist and doctor of medical sciences Rimtautas Gudas.

The specialist has long worked with Lithuania’s best basketball players and would often consult the team in sports medicine and traumatology subjects, but will now become an official member of the Zalgiris staff.

“It’s always nice to receive recognition and an invitation to become part of Zalgiris staff is definitely one of those. I would happily share my experience with the Kaunas side for various questions before and would help them as much as I could. I believe now I can be even more useful for the team and we will make sure we have the players in the best possible physical condition throughout the season.”

Gudas actively plays basketball himself and is a member of numerous sports medicine and traumatology fellowships and often brings his practice to the best European medical clinics. He has been a consultant and a doctor for Lithuania’s top athletes for more than 20 years now.
